
How we can help you

Support groups such as ours can be of assistance to people who are concerned about the possibility of having prostate cancer, or have been diagnosed as having prostate cancer or have undergone treatment for prostate cancer.

Members of our group can provide support prior to as well as subsequent to treatment. Some men are unaware of the importance of evaluating the various treatment options that are available and selecting the option that is best for them in view of their particular circumstances. You should give consideration to all the options and talking to people who have been through treatment can be very informative. Our members can also make suggestions about reading that you can undertake to become informed about treatment options. We advise you to make sure that you consider all the treatment options prior to agreeing to a particular treatment.

personal contact with a member of our support group or through attendance at one of our meetings, you would have the opportunity to:
  • Talk to Group members who may be able to provide one-on-one counsel and support in relation to particular issues. Initial contact may be made with any of our organisers.
  • Discuss needs, hopes, problems, anxieties and expectations with members of our Group who have had similar experiences and who can appreciate what you are going through.
  • Talk to men who have undergone particular diagnostic and treatment procedures and get their views about diagnostic and treatment options.
  • Learn how to become more informed about the diagnosis of and treatment options for prostate cancer and the facilities and medical services that are available.
  • Form an appreciation of what the future may have in store for you in the light of members’ experiences.
  • Listen to informative presentations from medical experts, participate in discussions with those experts and as a consequence become more informed about techniques and facilities for diagnosis, treatment and after-care.
  • Get suggestions about important ‘must-read’ printed and audiovisual materials.
  • Access our library of selected printed and audiovisual materials.

In this web site is provided information about developments in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, books, documents, audiovisual products, presentations, research articles, sources of information, and other materials. However, the Group's Executive and web site manager do not have the medical expertise required to make an informed evaluation of conclusions and recommendations presented in such materials, and such conclusions and recommendations have not been verified through appropriately qualified medical professionals.

The information presented on this site must not be interpreted as being endorsed or recommended by the Group's Executive or web site manager. Any recommendations made in materials that are on the site or referred to may not be applicable in your particular case. Before implementing any recommendations made in the materials that are reported or referred to, it is essential that you obtain advice from appropriately qualified medical professionals.

The view of the Group
ΚΌs Executive is that no two prostate cancer cases are alike and that no single treatment option is better than any other in all cases. While the information on this site should be of interest, there is no substitute for getting informed medical advice from your own GP, specialists and other medical professionals.